Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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$VER: DeliTracker.doc V2.09 (12.10.1994)
Copyright 1994 by Delirium Softdesign
(Peter Kunath and Frank Riffel)
4.1 System requirements
4.2 First steps
4.3 Tooltype Settings and Shell Environment
5.1 Players
5.2 Genies
5.3 Packed modules
5.4 Module lists
6.1 The main window
6.2 The option window
6.3 The player window
6.4 The genie window
6.5 The program window
6.6 Shortcuts
6.7 Commodities
6.8 Arexx
Welcome to DeliTracker 2.08. For those who don't know: DeliTracker is a
highly flexible soundplayer which supports many sound formats. The replay
routines for the common formats ProTracker, NoiseTracker, SoundTracker 15
and 31 instrument version and StarTrekker without AM sounds, are builtin.
Additional players can be loaded from disk. DeliTracker is NOT a Sampler,
Digitizer, MIDI sequencer nor a song editor. It is only meant to play
music modules in a very comfortable way. Here are some good reasons for
using DeliTracker:
° System friendly and multitasks happily
° Highly expandable due to modular concept
° Allocates the sound channels
° Supports xpkmaster.library for decrunching
° Correct play speed in PAL/NTSC (uses timerdevice)
° Works well with serial.device
° Modulelists
° ARexx
° PubScreen support
° Hotkey (Commoditiy)
° Appwindow, modules can be played by simply dropping the module
icon (or even a hole directory) into the mainwindow
° Written in 100% Assembler
DeliTracker (c) 1991 - 1994 by Peter Kunath and Frank Riffel.
DeliTracker 2.08, the DeliTracker tool icon, their related documentation,
utilities, and examples (hereinafter "Files") and in particular player
and genie interface are (c) Copyright 1991-94 by Peter Kunath and Frank
Riffel. All Rights Reserved. This package is Shareware. If you like this
program and use it frequently, we encourage you to register. The share
ware fee is $US 20 or 20 DM. You may send CASH or EUROCHEQUE's. We cannot
accept any other cheques cause it is not possible for us to cash foreign
checks without having to pay substantial fees to the bank. Registered
users will be shipped a disk containing the latest release version of
DeliTracker. Please allow a delay of 2-6 weeks. By co-operating with this
concept you help to ensure continued development of this product. Please
send your registration card (Orderform) and cheque/money to:
Frank Riffel
Merkstr. 27
82405 Wessobrunn
An orderform can be found at the end of this document. You may send bug
reports, remarks, and suggestions to this address as well. If you have
written a new soundsystem and you wish to adapt your replay-routine to
DeliTracker, contact us. We will help you.
DeliTracker may be distributed on public-domain, shareware disks, and
electronic networks such as the Internet as longs as the followings
conditions are fulfilled:
1. All Files must be kept together. You can find a list of all
Files in 'Distribution'.
2. None of the distributed files may be modified in any way. The only
exception is archiving (e.g. with LhA), but the original files
must be 100% restoreable.
3. For any use in commercial products the permission of the authors
is required.
Delicker has been developed and tested thoroughly. Never-the-less, the
Authors cannot be held responsible for any damages that are caused by
DeliTracker. The Files and their related documentation, utilities, and
examples are provided "AS-IS" and subject to change without notice; no
warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not
limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose. No liability or responsibility is assumed. Use at
your own risk.
Installer and Installer project icon (c) Copyright 1991-93
Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduced and
distributed under license from Commodore.
* *
* For registration, send this form along with USA $20 or 20 DM to: *
* Frank Riffel, Merkstr. 27, 82405 Wessobrunn, Germany *
* *
* *
* *********************************** *
* ** ** *
* ** DeliTracker Registration Form ** *
* ** ** *
* *********************************** *
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* Name : ______________________________________________________________ *
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* Address : ___________________________________________________________ *
* *
* City : _____________________________ State: _________________________ *
* *
* Postal Code: _______________________ Country: _______________________ *
* *
* email : _____________________________________________________________ *
* *
* DeliTracker Version: ______ Kickstart: _______ Amiga : ____________ *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* RAM : _____ MB FAST-RAM Processor : 680__0 *
* *
* _____ MB CHIP-RAM *
* *
* *
* Comments : __________________________________________________________ *
* *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
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* _____________________________________________________________________ *
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* _____________________________________________________________________ *
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* _____________________________________________________________________ *
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* _____________________________________________________________________ *
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* _____________________________________________________________________ *
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* _____________________________________________________________________ *
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4.1 System requirements
DeliTracker II requires at least Workbench and Kickstart 2.0 (aka V37).
We recomend the usage of Workbench 2.1 (or 3.x), because the ASL
Filerequester of V38 and above is much faster and supports multiselect.
If you want to use packed modules, the 'xpkmaster.library' and the
corresponding sublibraries must be installed. Make sure that you use V2
of XPK! V1 is NOT sufficient. DeliTracker requires at least 150KB of
memory. Additional memory is needed for every loaded genie, player, the
current modulelist and the decrunched module. Of course, your System
should be equiped with a Monitor that has speakers, or even better,
connected to a HiFi system.
4.2 First Steps
If you already use an older version of DeliTracker, please delete all the
files in the old distribution and your configuration files. Now run the
supplied installer script by simply double clicking on the apropriate
installation icon. The installation script will install DeliTracker on
your harddisk into a drawer named DeliTracker. After the installation
we strongly suggest that you move seldom used players and genies to the
storage dirs (e.g. from DeliPlayers/ to DeliPlayers/PlayerStore/). If you
don't do this you will waste memory! If you need a particular player or
genie you can still load it by yourself. If you start DeliTracker the
first time besides the control window many other windows will be opened.
On 68000er systems this can take some seconds. These windows belong to
particular players or genies. To avoid that DeliTracker opens all these
windows every time you start you must configure them. It is not hard to
do this. Activate a window. Now select the desired options. You will find
several options in the 'Settings' menu. If you whish that the window
should not be opened every time you start DeliTracker turn 'Popup' off.
Some windows additionaly contain gadgets for several options. For those
functions and options refer to 'Genies.doc' or 'Players.doc'. Now save
these settings using the 'Save Prefs' from the 'Project' menu. You may
close the window now and continue with another.
Note: There is an ENV: variable called DELICONFIG. It contains the path
to the configuration directory. This variable is important if DeliTracker
was installed on a CD-ROM. You can set this variable to a directory on
your harddisk (e.g SYS:DeliConfig). This enables you to use your favorite
settings rather than the predefind on the CD.
4.3 Tooltype Settings and Shell Environment
For Shell usage you must separate all keywords and arguments by spaces.
Strings which contain spaces must be quoted. For Workbench usage (i.e.
tooltypes) seperate the arguments from the keywords with '='. To set the
tooltypes use the 'Information' item of the Workbench. Invalid Tooltypes
are ignored. DeliTracker can be used as a 'Default Tool'. For this you
have to enter the path where DeliTracker is located at the 'Default Tool'
line of the module. This asumes that the module has a project icon.
Shell Example: 'DeliTracker config "DELI Config" volume 32 filter no'
Starts DeliTracker with 'DELI Config' as configuration file, turns the
lowpass filter off (not on A1000's) and sets the volume to 32.
These options are used as KEYWORDS in Tooltypes and as CLI templates.
The keywords are not case sensitive!
Option Default value and description
-------------------- -----------------------------
config <file> "DeliConfig/DeliTracker.config"
Loads the specified file as a configuration file.
cx_priority <pri> 0 (default priority)
Sets the commodities priority. Valid values
are -128 to 127.
cx_popup <yes|no> yes (window opened)
Defines if the control window should be opened
at startup. If it is set to 'no', no window will
be opened. The mainwindow may be opened later via
hotkey, Commodities Exchange or with an ARexx
cx_popkey <string> "" (no hotkey), see also Hot Key
module <file> No file, empty module list.
Uses <file> as startup module. Note: You can use
Modulelists as well.
playerpath <path> "DeliPlayers"
Sets the searchpath for external players.
geniepath <path> "DeliGenies"
Sets the searchpath for external genies.
pubscreen <Screen> "", default PubScreen (usually Workbench).
Let you specify the name of the public screen
where DeliTracker, all Player and Genie windows
should pop up. If the given screen is not
available (e.g. does not exist), DeliTracker
opens its windows on the default public screen.
Note: Screen names are case sensitive in V37!
mainwinxy<XPos>/<YPos> 0/1
Attempts to open the mainwindow at the given
prefwinxy<XPos>/<YPos> 0/1
Attempts to open the option window at the given
playwinxy<XPos>/<YPos> 0/1
Attempts to open the player window at the given
geniewinxy<XPos>/<YPos> 0/1
Attempts to open the genie window at the given
progwinxy<XPos>/<YPos> 0/1
Attempts to open the program window at the given
filereq <X/Y/W/H> "" (requester internal default setting)
Specifies the filerequester coordinates.
volume <volume> 64 (maximal volume)
Sets the volume to <volume>. Where volume can
range from 0 to 64.
balance <balance> 0
Sets the balance to <balance>. Where balance can
range from -64 (left channels only) to 64 (right
channels only).
quickstart <yes|no> yes (module is played immediately after loading)
Defines if a loaded module should begin to play
immediately after loading or if the module is
in a paused state. This option is meant for
synchronization purposes in ARexx scripts.
filter <yes|no> no (filter off)
Switches the internal lowpass filter on or off.
An advantage of having the filter off is that
frequencies over 7kHz are not cut off. This has
the effect that most modules will sound much
Note: On A1000 this switch has no effect.
appicon <yes|no> yes (display appicon)
If turned on an appicon is left when mainwindow
is closed else no appicon appears.
lowchip <yes|no> no (use chipmem for modules)
If turned on DeliTracker tries to use fastmem
for the module.
swapplay <yes|no> no (don't use low memory handler)
If turned on DeliTracker will attempt to flush
unused players. DeliTracker will re-load the
players when needed. This function works only
with V39 and above.
songend <yes|no> no (ignore songend signals)
Lets you specify whether songend events should
be ignored or not. Some players support a
notification of the song end. If this option is
set, DeliTracker will pause the module and load
the next module. If only one module is in the
soundlist then it is paused after the song has
played once.
append <yes|no> no (replace modulelist with new selection)
Lets you specify whether the soundlist should be
inserted at the current position or replaced by
the new selection.
randmod <yes|no> no (play modules in sequential order)
Lets you specify whether a Next/Prev-Song event
should take a randomly picked or the following
(preceeding) list entry for loading. Once a
module has been played it won't be reselected
until other selected modules have been played.
This behaviour is also known as 'Shuffleplay'.
This option only works if there are more than 2
entries in the modulelist.
activate <yes|no> yes (activate window at startup)
If turned off all windows are opened in inactive
state. May be useful for shell users. Hi Zop :-)
timeout <secs> 0 (no timeout)
Lets you specify the amount of time (in secs)
after that DeliTracker will cause a Next-Song
event. A value of 0 disables timeout. If songend
is enabled DeliTracker will react on the first
event that occours.
fadeout <secs> 0 (don't fade)
Lets you specify the time for fadeing out. A
value of zero disables the smooth transition
between two modules. This feature is only
available for players that support volume
randsong <yes|no> no (first subsong)
Lets you specify whether the first or a random
subsong should be choosen when a new module is
playstart <yes|no> yes (startmodule is played at startup)
Defines weather the startup-module should be
played when DeliTracker is started.
5.1 Players
The player concept is one of the strong points in DeliTracker. After
loading a player DeliTracker will recognize and play modules of this
type. It has the advantage that you may only load the players that you
need (= efficient memoryusage). Of course you may unload any player at
any time. Another advantage is that you only need to know how to use
DeliTracker rather than every single player. Multimedia applications in
conjunction with ARexx greatly benefit from this (e.g. You may play any
Module in an AmigaVision(TM) presentation). Another major advantage is
that the player interface is very flexible so everyone may easily enhance
update or adapt players. For details on programming read the includefile
and 'Developer.doc'. DeliTracker has the common players built in. These
are: SoundTracker15, SoundTracker31, StarTrekker without AM sounds,
NoiseTracker and ProTracker. There is another player called 'CustomPlay'.
This is a special player that was created to play special modules that
contain their own replay code. These 'modules' may not be crunched,
because they are loaded via LoadSeg() to allow relocation. In V2 we have
added support for player processes (i.e. Now it should be fairly easy to
create players that load samples directly from disk). Another improvement
is the introduction of the "Noteplayer Interface". This is nothing else
than virtualizing all sound hardware accesses. The player does not write
to the hardware at all instead it fills out a structure with the needed
information. DeliTracker passes this structure to a Noteplayer Genie that
handles the sound processing. Other genies may evaluate this data, too.
The number of external players that may be loaded is only limited by the
amount of free memory. When DeliTracker is started all players in the
'DeliPlayers' directory or the specified playerpath e.g. tooltypes or in
the configfile are loaded. The external players are listed and described
in the 'Players.doc'.
5.2 Genies
Genies are a new concept in Release 2.0. Basicaly they are little
"programs" which extend or enhance DeliTrackers functionality. In many
respects genies are similiar to commodities. They can react on user
actions and DeliTracker's internal program states. They can have their
own GUI that can be shown or hidden. Genies usualy run as seperate
processes. This enables them to do asynchronus event processing. You
can quit a genie either with the remove genie function (found in the
genie window) or by sending a CTRL-C to the genie process itself. The
GUI of a genie usualy offers menus with the following menu items:
About A ? Short info about the genie.
Save Prefs A S Save the current settings as default
Hide A H Hide the GUI
Quit A Q Remove the Genie
Activate A A Activates the window if the GUI is opened
Popup A P Opens the GUI when the Genie was loaded
Other settings Other genie specific settings, see the
·············· particular genie documentation.
There are different types of genies:
NotePlayer Genies
This type of genie has the task of hiding the actualy used audio
hardware. You can think of a NotePlayer genie like a virtual audio
device. A major reason for virtualizing the hardware accesses, is
that later NotePlayers could make use of high quality sound cards
(or a new chipset) which may support more than four channels. With
the help of the CPU (or later a DSP)a Noteplayer genie can emulate
more than four channels. As a side effect of the currently used mixing
technology for the native amiga soundhardware, we can reduce the
chipmem usage to 1KB of sample buffer memory. For future compatibility,
the NotePlayer mechanism is prepared to handle 16 Bit samples, as well
as for several sample encoding schemes (signed/unsigned/ulaw). Players
that support this interface will greatly benefit from this. Here are
some of the advantages:
° Independence of the used audio hardware
° Independence of the number of hardware channels
° Audiodata can be shared with other genies as well
(Stereoscope, Quadrascope, FFT Analyzer ....)
° Resource handling is done by the Noteplayer genie
This includes memory/channel allocation and hardware
° Volume and Balance control is also done by the genie
When a player requires a Noteplayer, DeliTracker will try to use the
"cheapest" noteplayer it can get. The choice is based on following
criterias: CPU usage, used memory type and the number of channels.
They are evaluated in that order.
Decrunch Genies
Decrunch genies can decrunch files that are loaded by DeliTracker.
Note: You will run into trouble if you want to load multipart modules
from one archive. Think of a LhA'ed TFMX module!
Convert Genies
Convert one module format into another. The user has the advantage that
only few optimized and bugfree players are needed to play a variety of
"packed"/"optimized"/"crypted" module formats. In most cases you would
need much more code for a player than for a converter.
Other Genies
These Genies have no defined task. They can control or monitor many
things. Many users have suggested that we should supply "graphical
equalizers" and other things that make the screen alive. Or just
wanted more information about the current module. With this type of
genie it is possible to extend DeliTracker, so that more infos can be
displayed. And indeed in most cases they display optional information.
This can be simple things like sample names, number of patterns, or
the filesize. With the aid of a fast CPU they can also display more
complex things like the current waveforms or the frequency distribution
(think of an FFT Analyzer). Genies that display such complex things
will usually run at process priority of -5 so they will only get the
cpu when no other important task needs the cpu.
Only the Paula-NotePlayer Genie is internal. This is a Noteplayer for up
to 4 voices that uses the audio.device channel allocation and direct
writing to the hardware for output. The user can select the allocation
precedence. All other genies are loaded at startup from '/DeliGenies'.
For the external genies refer to 'Genies.doc'.
5.3 Packed modules
If xpkmaster.library V2 or higher is installed DeliTracker will use the
library for decrunching. Optionaly you may load Decrunch Genies for use
of other packers. Certain players do not support module packing! This is
due to the fact that those players load the module by themselves rather
than using the internal LoadFile() function. If the player-info field
for a particular player shows 'Packable....NO' you are not allowed to
crunch modules for this player.
NOTE: Don't pack custom modules because they are loaded and RELOCATED via
LoadSeg()! The only way to get around this is to use the XFH filehandler
or patch LoadSeg() with xLoadSeg to be able to load XPK compressed files.
5.4 Modulelists
DeliTracker has an internal Modulelist, that can be manipulated with the
program window. Add modules, arrange each entry as you want and save the
whole as a modulelist. Later you can retrive your favorite selection.
Modulelists are organized as ascii files. The first line must contain
'MODLIST' as an identifier. Each further line can contain the filename
of a module, a module directory or the path of another modulelist.
DeliTracker treads Modulelists nearly like modules. The difference is
that when DeliTracker wants to 'play' a Modulelist, the modulelist it is
treated as a new selection of modules. The 'Random Mod' and the 'Append'
flags are evaluated. WARNING: In one very special case this leads to a
deadlock situation. This happens when the first entry in the Modulelist
is the list itself and 'Random Mod' is off. At that point DeliTracker
will not stop to replace the modulelist by itself again and again.
Don't create such lists!
6.1 The main window
The main window is the central part of the DeliTracker. All module
specific things may be controlled with this panel. DeliTracker's
main window consists of four groups. Each group can be folded away,
so that you can choose which parts of the window are visible. If the
window is active the titlebar shows the actual list nubmer, the number
of modules in the list, the used player and the filename of the module.
The following is a overview of how the full window looks. Note: If a
gadget is drawn ghosted, then this option is not accessible for this
player. There could be two reasons for this:First, the soundsystem
does not have this feature at all (e.g. SoundTracker has no SubSongs),
and second, the player is not perfectly adapted (which is more likely).
| Module: | ////////////MODULE NAME///////////// | [ Time ] |\
+----------+--------------------------------------|------------| Info
| Format: | ///////////MODULE FORMAT//////////// | 00:00:00 |/
| Comment: | [ ====================== 13 =================== ] | Comment
| | | | | [12] | | |\
|[O]|[P]|[G]+-+------------------------------------------+-+[R]| Control
| | | | | [11] | | |/
|[+]| | | | | | | | | | +--\ |\
+---+ |< | < | << | |> | >> | > | >| | [] | ^ | | | | Tapedeck
|[-]| | | | | | | | | - | +--+ |/
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
Tapedeck group
[+] Faster: plays song a little faster
[-] Slower: plays song a little slower
[1] Prev Song: play the previous song. This gadget is only enabled if
more than one file was selected. If 'Random Mod' is selected this
button picks a random module. See also 'Random Mod'.
[2] Prev SubSong: Jumps to the previous sub-song (if available).
[3] Prev Pattern: Jumps to the previous pattern. If the current
pattern is the first, the counter is set to the last pattern.
[4] Play/Pause: Plays a paused sound or pauses a playing sound.
[5] Forward: Jumps to the next pattern in the module. If the current
pattern is the last, the counter wraps around to the first.
[6] Next SubSong: Plays the next subsong of a module. This function
allows you to select other melodies in the module. Not every
soundsystem provides you this feature. One of the most common
soundsystems that provide multi-modules are TFMX and MED.
[7] Next Song: This button loads the next module form the selected
modulelist. If the last module of the list is playing and you
press this button the first module of the list will be played
(cyclic list). If 'Random Mod' is selected this button has the
same function as the Prev Song button.
[8] Stop Song: This button resets the patterncounter and the speed to
the initial default value.
[9] Eject Module: stops the actual module and removes it from memory.
[10] Load Song: Opens the filerequester and lets you select one or
more modules for playing. If you select an empty directory
DeliTracker will scan the whole dir and add all files matching
the module pattern (see option window). The first selected
module is loaded and played. If enough memory is available,
DeliTracker will use double buffering. This means that the
current song continues playing until the next song is loaded.
Control group
[O] opens or closes the Optionwindow
[P] opens or closes the Playerwindow
[G] opens or closes the Genieswindow
[R] opens or closes the module Programwindow
[11] Balance Control: Let you change the Balance.
[12] Volume Control: Let you change the Volume.
Comment group
[13] Comment: Here you can read/enter an optional comment. If you hit
'Return' the comment is saved.
Info group
This group contains some informations about the current module.
Namely the module name, the format name and the the time how long
the module has been played. Note: If the player supports internal
modulenames, the real modulename is displayed rather than just the
filename. There may be a difference between the format name and the
playername: If a module has been converted with a converter genie
the format name is the source format (e.g. NoisePacker 2.0) and not
the destination format (ProTracker).
[Time] Resets the time counter to 00:00:00.
The non menu shortcuts are only shown if running under V39 or above.
Open <A> O ...Open the filerequester.
Play/Pause 0 ...Play or pause a module.
Stop Playing 1 ...Stop the actual module.
Next Module ] ...Load the next module in the
Soundlist. See also 'Random Mod'.
Prev Module [ ...Load previous module.
Eject Module . ...Stop playing and remove the
actual module from memory.
About... <A> ? ...Open about requester.
Hide <A> H ...Close all windows.
Quit <A> Q ...Leave the program.
Faster + ...Increase playspeed.
Slower - ...Decrease playspeed.
Reset Speed * ...Reset playspeed.
Forward 5 ...Jump one Pattern forward.
Backward 4 ...Jump one Pattern backward.
Next Subsong 8 ...Play next Subsong.
Prev Subsong 7 ...Play previous Subsong.
Volume Up 6 ...Increase Volume.
Volume Down 9 ...Decrease Volume.
Reset Volume / ...Reset Volume to max.
Left Balance 2 ...More left balance.
Right Balance 3 ...More right balance.
Reset Balance Enter ...Reset Balance to balanced.
Info <A> I ...Turn info group on/off.
Comment <A> C ...Turn comment on/off.
Control <A> N ...Turn control group on/off.
Tapedeck <A> T ...Turn tapedeck group on/off.
Options... <A> S ...Open option window.
Players... <A> P ...Open player window.
Program... <A> R ...Open module list window.
Genies... <A> G ...Open genies window.
Load Settings... ...Load saved settings.
Save Settings ...Save default settings.
Save Settings As... ...Save settings to selected file.
To make the module selection even more comfortable, icons from modules
and module drawers may be dropped on the control window. The modules
will be handled as if they were selected with the file requester. If
a drawer is dropped, all files will be scanned. All files that match
the module pattern will be added to the module list. Sub-directorys are
not scanned. To use this feature the control window of DeliTracker must
be opened on the workbench screen.
6.2 The option window
The option window is for seting all global options. To open the option
window you may either select the 'Options...' menu or the '?'-Gadget of
the mainwindow.
Startup Mod default ""
This module is loaded when DeliTracker is started. If it
is a module list DeliTracker will automaticaly load the
first module which is specified in the module list. You
can either enter the module by typing the path into the
stringgadget, or using the file requester gadget behind.
Player Dir default "DeliPlayers"
this is the path where DeliTracker searches for players.
Genie Dir default "DeliGenies"
this is the path where DeliTracker searches for genies.
Pubscreen default is "", (default PubScreen, usually Workbench)
Let you specify the name of the public screen where
DeliTracker should pop up. If the given screen is not
available (e.g. does not exist), DeliTracker opens it's
windows on the default public screen.
Note: Under V37 screen names are case sensitive!
Hot Key default is "" (no hotkey)
This defines the hotkey which is used to open or close the
windows. If the DeliTracker windows are closed via the
hotkey, all other Player and Genie windows are closed as
well - the same applies to Hide Interface. To disable the
hotkey, use the INACTIVE option of the Commodities Exchange
Pattern default "~(#?.info|info.#?|smpl.#?|#?.NT(%|.(pp|im|xpk)))"
Defines the pattern of the module requester. This pattern
is also used when scanning directorys. It enables the user
to hide unused (nonmodule files, like #?.info) files.
Songend default is OFF (ignore songend signals)
Lets you specify whether songend events should be honored
or not. Some players support a notification of the songend.
If this option is set, DeliTracker will pause the module
and load the next module in the list. If only one module
is in the soundlist, then it is paused after the song has
played once.
Timeout default is 0 (no timeout)
Lets you specify the amount of time in secs, after which,
DeliTracker will cause a Next-Song event. A value of 0
disables module timeout.
Quickstart default is ON (module is played immediately after loading)
Defines if a loaded module should begin to play immediately
after loading or if the module is in a paused state. You
can use this option for synchronization purposes in ARexx
Fadeout default is 0 (don't fade)
Lets you specify how many seconds the fadeout of a song will
take. Fadeing is performed after every eject event. If you
select zero no smooth transition will be done. This feature
is only available for players that support volume changing.
Random Mod default is OFF (sequential order)
Lets you specify whether a Next/Prev-Song event should
choose a random pick, or the following (preceeding) list
entry for loading. Once a module has been played it won't
be reselected until other selected modules have been
played. This behaviour is also known as 'Shuffleplay'.
This option only works if there are more than 2 entries
in the modlist.
Random Song default is OFF (first subsong)
Lets you specify whether the first or random subsong should
be choosen when a new module with subsongs is played.
Filter default is OFF (filter off)
Switches the internal lowpass filter 'on' or 'off'. If the
switch is 'off' it has the advantage that frequencies over
7kHz are not cut off. This has the effect that most modules
will sound much better. Note: The A1000 filter cannot be
switched off!
Append default is OFF (replace modulelist with new selection)
Lets you specify whether the soundlist should be inserted
at the current position or replaced by the current file
Appicon default is OFF
If the Appicon feature is selected and the mainwindow is
closed, an appicon will be created. All files that are
dropped into the appicon will be handled as if they were
selected with the file requester. If a drawer is dropped,
all files will be scanned and added to the module list.
Only files which are not matching the pattern will be
skipped. Subdirectorys are not scanned. A double click
on the appicon will open the windows again.
Activate default is ON (activate windows)
If turned off, all windows are opened in inactive state at
startup. May be useful for shell users.
Play at Start default is ON (startmodule is played at startup)
Defines whether the startup-module should be played when
DeliTracker is started.
Prefix default is 4
Specifies the maximum size of the prefix in chars. If a
prefix is encountered DeliTracker won't show it the module
list. DeliTracker recognizes a prefix by the first dot in
the filename. Example: Prefix is set to 3, the filename
'dw.sentinel' will be stripped down to 'sentinel' whereas
'mdat.TurricanI' won't be changed. This setting influences
the module list sorting.
Swap Players default is OFF
If turned on DeliTracker will attempt to flush
unused players on low memory situations. DeliTracker will
re-load the players when needed. This function works only
with V39 and above.
Low Chipmem default is OFF
If turned on DeliTracker tries to use a Noteplayer that
can play from fastmemory else the default Noteplayer
choosing algorithm is used. This does not mean that every
module is now loaded into fastmemory. Only modules of
those players which support the noteplayer interface will
be located in fast memory.
Load Load a saved configuration and set all values to those of
a previously saved configuration.
Save Save all actual settings to a configuration file. The
configuration file contains all above settings plus the
filerequester and window co-ordinates. The default config
file is saved to the configuration directory. It is named
"DeliTracker.prefs". If you select another path/filename
the prefs file is saved to this path.
OK Close the options window.
6.3 The player window
The player window contains all controls for the deliplayers. On the
right side is a listview which shows all players that are currently
loaded. When the player window is opened the currently active player
is selected. Under V39 the active player is always highlighted. A 'D'
in front of the playername marks all players that are disabled. A
disabled player stays in memory, but DeliTracker doesen't call it's
checkcode. A double click on an entry will toggle the player on/off.
If you select one entry, all information about this player is shown
on the left hand. Old players will have a version number less then
1.00 (ie. 0.03).
Config Configure selected player
Show Open the player's GUI
Hide Close the player's GUI
Add Load (an)other player(s)
Remove Unload selected player
Clear Unload all external players
Ok Close player window
If a player with the same name is already loaded, the player with the
lower version number will be expunged. Internal players may be removed
too, but their memory is of course not freed. To add a whole directory
of players, just select the dir and make sure that the filename-string
in the file requester is empty. Now DeliTracker scans the directory and
loads every player. For selecting the default player path see
6.4 The genie window
The genies window contains all controls for deligenies. It is very
similar to the player window. When this window is opended the currently
used NotePlayer is selected. With V39, the active NotePlayer Genie will
be highlighted. As in the player window, a double click on an entry
will enable/disable it.
Config Configure selected player
Show Open genie GUI
Hide Close genie GUI
Add Load (an)other genies(s)
Remove Unload selected genie
Clear Unload all external genies
Ok Close genie window
If a genie with the same name is already loaded, the genie with the
lower version number will be expunged. Internal genies may be removed
as well, but of course the memory is not freed. Adding a whole dir of
genies works the same as above. Just select the dir and DeliTracker
will load all genies. For selecting the default genie path, see
6.5 The program window
The listview shows all modules that are in the current modulelist. If
the filename of the module has a prefix (max. four chars + '.') then
DeliTracker won't show the prefix. Under V39 the current module is
highlighted. Depending on the selected mode, a click on an listview
entry will have a different effect.
Play Plays the selected Module.
Move The selected module is removed from the list and
moved into an internal buffer. When another entry
is selected the cut entry is inserted below that
entry. Just try it. It is very easy to move the
modules around.
Delete Removes the selected entry form the modulelist.
New Removes the complete Modulelist.
Insert Open Requester for inserting modules.
Current Jumps to current module, it is centered.
Load Load a saved Modulelist.
Save Saves the current Modulelist starting with the
active module. All entrys are saved!
Sort Sorts the Modulelist.
Ok Closes the program window.
Note: Modulelist's are treaded like modules, the difference is that
when "played" they replace/extend the current modulelist and try to
load the first module of the modulelist (if 'Random Mod' is off). This
is potentialy dangerous, when the first entry in a modulelist is the
modulelist itself. So don't create such lists!
6.6 Shortcuts
Nearly all funtions of DeliTracker can be reached via keyboard short
cuts. Any underlined chars in a gadget text indicates the shortcut for
that gadget. The shortcuts are ony active for the particular window the
gadget belongs to. All shortcuts will only work if the corresponding
action is possible. Although the shortcuts can be entered in upper or
lower case. All stringadgets can be left with the 'esc' key. For ease of
use every DeliTracker window additionaly has the following shortcuts:
F1 open/activate main window
F2 open/activate option open window
F3 open/activate player window
F4 open/activate genie window
F5 open/activate program window
Because the main window makes heavy use of buttons with images
rather than text buttons, we couldn't use the underscoreing method
for indicating the shortcut. Some of the main window shortcuts are
menu shortcuts (RAmiga+Menukey) while the others are simple keys.
To make them easy to remember we decided to order them in hirarchy
on the nummeric keypad. Of course the shortcuts can be used even if
the corresponding function group is folded away.
Simple key shortcuts, see also main window menu section.
|PrevMod ·NextMod |ResetVol |ResetSpeed|
|[ ·] |/ |* |
|PrevSub ·NextSub |VolDown |Slower |
|7 ·8 |9 |- |
|PrevPat ·NextPat |VolUp |Faster |
|4 ·5 |6 |+ |
|Stop |LBal ·RBal ·ResetBal |
|1 |2 ·3 ·Enter |
+----------+----------+----------+ |
|Play/Pause |Eject | |
|0 |. | |
In additon you may specify a global hot key for the opening and closing
of the mainwindow. This hotkey works even if no DeliTracker window is
not active. See also cx_popkey and hot key option below.
6.7 Commodities
DeliTracker is a Commodity, therefore some typical things may be
controlled from within the Commodities Exchange Program. First select
'DeliTracker' in the 'Available Commodities' box. The cycle gadget shows
you if the hotkey for opening/closing the mainwindow is enabled or not.
Click once to change this. 'Show Interface' will open and activate the
mainwindow. 'Hide Interface' will close all DeliTracker windows. Finally
a click on the 'Remove' button will quit DeliTracker. As usual for
doesn't quit the program. Additionally the following signals can be
sent to DeliTracker:
CTRL-C Quit DeliTracker
CTRL-D Disable Commodity Broker
CTRL-E Enable Commodity Broker
CTRL-F DeIconify Windows
6.8 ARexx
Nearly all functions of DeliTracker can be controlled with ARexx.
This is very nice if you are using other ARexx aware software like
AmigaVision(TM). DeliTracker is addressed as a function host with
the name "DELITRACKER". DeliTracker provides the following commands:
quit Leave DeliTracker and shut down all genies/players.
filter <yes|no> yes: Switch filter on.
no: Switch filter off.
quick <yes|no> yes: Turn quick on.
no: Turn quick off.
appicon <yes|no> yes: Display appicon.
no: No appicon.
swapplay <yes|no> yes: Turn low-memory handler on.
no: Turn low-memory handler off.
randmod <yes|no> yes: Turn Randomplay on.
no: Turn Randomplay off.
songend <yes|no> yes: Recognize songend signals.
no: Ignore songend events.
append <yes|no> yes: Activate append mode.
no: Deactivate append mode.
activate <yes|no> yes: activate windows at startup.
no: all windows are opened inactive.
timeout <SECS> Set timeout to given number of seconds (SECS)
If SECS = 0 the timeout function is disabled.
fadeout <SECS> Set fadeout time in seconds. Zero deactivates
fadeing. Valid range is 0 to 5
randsong <yes|no> yes: start with randomly picked subsong.
no: start with first subsong.
playstart <yes|no> yes: startmodule is played at startup.
no: don't play a module at startup.
volume <VOL> Set volume to <VOL> (Range VOL: 0 to 64).
balance <BAL> Set balance to <BAL>, 0 is default, -64 left only,
64 right only (Range BAL: -64 to 64).
forward Play next pattern.
backward Play previous pattern.
nextsong Play next song (module).
prevsong Play previous song (module).
nextsubsong Play next subsong.
prevsubsong Play previous subsong.
faster Increase playspeed.
slower Decrease playspeed.
loadconfig [FILE] Load configfile [FILE] if [FILE] was specified,
else pop filerequester up.
saveconfig [FILE] Save configfile [FILE] if [FILE] was specified,
else pop filerequester up.
savelist [FILE] Save module list to [FILE] if [FILE] was specified,
else pop filerequester up.
loadplayer [PLAYER] Load the [PLAYER] if specified, else open
loadplayer requester.
deleteplayer <NUMBER> Remove player number <NUMBER> from memory.
Note: all modules of this player won't be
recognized any longer.
configplayer <NUMBER> Call the configuration routine of the
player <NUMBER>.
loadgenie [GENIE] Load the [GENIE] if specified, else open
loadgenie requester.
deletegenie <NUMBER> Remove genie number <NUMBER> from memory.
configgenie <NUMBER> Call the configuration routine of the
genie <NUMBER>.
playpause Play/Pause song.
stop Stop song.
playmod [MODULE] play [MODULE] if [MODULE] was specified else pop
requester up.
eject Remove active module from memory.
makelist <MODULE> Inserts [MODULE] at the current position into the
module list.
clearlist [NUMBER] Clear the modulelist entry [NUMBER] or clear the
whole list if [NUMBER] is ommited.
playlist <NUMBER> Play the module with the list position <NUMBER>.
pubscreen <SCREEN> Closes all DeliTracker windows and tries to reopen
all windows on the pubscreen <SCREEN>.
showgui Open the DeliTracker windows.
hidegui Close all DeliTracker windows.
status <group> <dependent> Returns the actual status. This funtion is
divided into four different groups: global
settings (g), player specific settings (p), module
dependent settings (m) and genie settings (j).
Additional arguments are specified after the group.
<group> = g : Global
<dependent> = <cmd>
<cmd> description returnvalue
pdr playerdir string
pub prefered pubscreen string
gdr geniedir string
lst path of programfile string
pnu number of players number
gnu number of genies number
vol current volume number
bal current balance number
tim timeout in seconds number
fad fadeout number
ver DeliTracker version number
led filter <yes|no>
qst quickstart <yes|no>
rmo random module <yes|no>
rso random subsong <yes|no>
app append <yes|no>
swp swap players <yes|no>
act activate window <yes|no>
end songend <yes|no>
ico appicon <yes|no>
pst play at start <yes|no>
gui windows open <yes|no>
ply paused or playing <yes|no>
<group> = m : Module
<dependent> = <cmd>
<cmd> description returnvalue
dir moduledir string
fil filename string
fmt formatname string
nam real modulename string
pnr actual PlayerNr number
max selected modules number
num actual position in list number
<group> = p : Player
<dependent> = <playernum> <cmd>
<cmd> description returnvalue
nam name string
cre creator string
des description string
ver player version number
sho show <yes|no>
hid hide <yes|no>
ena enabled <yes|no>
vol volume <yes|no>
bal balance <yes|no>
jmp patternjump <yes|no>
spd playspeed <yes|no>
sub subsong <yes|no>
cfg config <yes|no>
pck packable <yes|no>
int internal interrupt <yes|no>
npl uses noteplayer <yes|no>
end songend detecton <yes|no>
prc running as process <yes|no>
swp swapable <yes|no>
<group> = j : Genie
<dependent> = <genienum> <cmd>
<cmd> description returnvalue
nam genie name string
cre creator string
des description string
ver version number
cfg config <yes|no>
sho show <yes|no>
hid hide <yes|no>
ena enabled <yes|no>
dcr decrunch type <yes|no>
cnv convert type <yes|no>
npl noteplyer type <yes|no>
prc running as own process <yes|no>
Square brackets [...] mark arguments that may be omitted. Arguments in
angle brackets <...> must be supplied.
For almost any command example scripts are available. All commands
may be entered in lower and upper case.
Note: We changed the string handling, quotes are not needed any longer.
The playspeed of a player is the same on PAL/NTSC machines as long as
they don't generate their own interrupt (i.e use the inbuild interrupt
generating mechanism).
For Modem users: All players that use the DeliTracker internal timer
Interrupt should now work well with serial transfers. Players which
generate their own timer interrupt may probably not. This is due to
the fact that instead of executing the actual playroutine in the timer
interrupt itself, we cause a SoftInt (so that the real routine executes
in a lower interrupt priority than the RFB interrupt).
Our special thanks go to the following people:
Our betatesters Stefan, Börnie and Manfred for their
bugreports and ideas.
Armin Sander (Oktalyzer) and Carsten Schlote (Sonic Arranger)
for creating DeliPlayers for their soundsystems.
Jörg W. Schmidt for the source code of PlayFTM.
Tomas Partl for his player.
Markus Illenseer, Christian Rattei and especially K-H. Ruckmich
for the correction and enhancement of the german docs.
U4ia and Christian von Roques for a quick scan of the english doc
files in Version II.
Kevin Dackiw for the enhancement of the NoisePacker players and
the correction of the english doc files of V1.3x.
DoIO for modules, demos and diskmag advertisement.
Thomas Winischofer for MusicMaker
Ekhall for sending some replay stuff.
Markus "maw" Weichselbaum for the PT betas and the hints
about the programming of the audio hardware.
Stephan Schaem for the WindowFX sourcecode.
Petter E. Stokke for the C-startupcode.
Chris Marz for some modules.
Dense for the X-Comm betas
Olaf "Warp" Kalgraf for sending some programs
Jamal Hannah for supplying us with many PC module format documentations.
All on IRC #amiga (Internet Relay Chat)
Hi ALFred, Flintlund, laire, Janne, MASH, mnemo, stefanb, ZZA :-)
Florian Vorberger for many nice Modules and the enhancement of
various players & genies.
U. Dominik Müller for XPK.
Eric Kennedy for TstApp.rexx.
Nicolas Franck for Deli-Wizard.
Jarno Paananen (Guru/Sahara Surfers) for the ScreamTracker3 player.
and all others, who have send replays, modules or registrations.